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[N.B. Text in red is to be deleted. Underlined text is to be added.]




Section 1: The name of this organization is the League of Women Voters of Tallahassee, hereinafter referred to as LWVT. This local league is an integral part of the League of Women Voters of Florida, hereinafter referred to as LWVFL, and the League of Women Voters of the United States, hereinafter referred to as LWVUS.





Section 1: Purpose. Consistent with the purposes and policies of the LWVFL and the LWVUS, the purposes of the LWVT are to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation in government and to act on selected governmental issues.


Section 2: Policy. The LWVT may take action on local governmental measures and policies in the public interest in conformity with the principles of the LWVFL and the LWVUS. 


a)  Section 3: Political Policy. The LWVT may not support or oppose any political party or any candidate.


b) The LWVT is fully committed, in principle and in practice, to the LWVUS’ Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policy as referenced in the Bylaws of the LWVUS.


Section 3 4: Policy Representation. Only the President of the LWVT may speak in the name of the LWVT, except that a member may speak in the name of the LWVT if expressly authorized to do so by the President.




Section 1: Eligibility. Any person who subscribes to the purpose and policy of the League is eligible for membership.


Section 2: Types of Membership.


a)  Voting Members. A person persons at least 16 years of age who joins join the League shall be a voting member of a local league, a state league, and the LWVUS. However, such person may be a voting member of only one local league and one state league.


      1)  Those Individuals who live within an area of a local league may join that local league or any other local league. 


      2)  Those who reside outside the area of a local league may join any local league or be a state member-at-large.


      3)  Those who are enrolled full or part-time in an accredited institution may join as student members. An individual may be a voting member of only one local league and one state league.


      4) b)  Honorary Life Members. Those who have been members of the League for 50 years or more shall be honorary life members excused from the payment of dues.


b) Associate Members. All others who join the League shall be associate members.    





Section I: Officers Enumeration and Election of Officers. The officers of the LWVT consist of a President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Two members may share an office and references herein to any officers include the possibility of co-officers. Each officer shall be elected for a term of one year. Election of officers shall occur at the Annual Meeting by the general membership. Those elected will take office immediately upon election.


Section 2: The President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization and of the Board of Directors and may, in the absence or disability of the Treasurer, sign or endorse checks, drafts and notes. The President shall be, ex-officio, a member of all committees except the Nominating Committee and shall have the usual powers of supervision and management as may pertain to the office of the President and perform such other duties as may be designated by the board.


Section 3: The Vice Presidents. In the event of absence, disability, resignation, or death of the President, the Vice Presidents, in the order of their rank, shall assume and possess all the powers and perform all the duties of that office. If neither vice-president is able to serve in this capacity, the Board of Directors shall elect one of its elected board members to fill the vacancy. The Vice President shall perform such other duties as the President and Board of Directors may designate.


Section 4: The Secretary. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors, present written copies of the minutes, by electronic or nonelectronic non-electronic means, to the board members at their regular meetings and notify all officers and directors of their election. The Secretary shall sign, with the President, all contracts, and other instruments if authorized by the board and perform such other functions as may be incidental to the office.


Section 5: The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect, receive, and be the custodian of all moneys due. The Treasurer shall deposit the funds in a bank designated by the Board of Directors and shall disburse the funds based upon an approved budget or as directed by the board. The Treasurer shall, by electronic or nonelectronic non-electronic means, present written statements to the board at the regular meetings of the board and an Annual Financial Report to the general membership at the Annual Meeting of the LWVT.





Section 1: Number, Manner of Selection, and Term of Office. The members of the Board of Directors shall consist of the officers of the League, six elected directors, and not more than six appointed directors. Three elected directors shall be elected by the general membership at each Annual Meeting and shall serve for a two-year term, or until their successors have been elected and qualified. The elected members shall appoint such additional Directors, not exceeding six, as they deem necessary to carry on the work of the League. Priority shall be given to standing committee chairs willing to serve on the board. The terms of office of the appointed directors shall be one year and shall expire at the conclusion of the next Annual Meeting.


Section 2: Qualifications. Only voting members of the LVWT are eligible to hold elected or appointed office in the organization.


Section 3: Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors by reason of the resignation, death, or disqualification of an officer or elected director may be filled, until the next Annual Meeting, by a majority vote of the remaining members of the board. Priority shall be given to a standing committee chair willing to serve on the board. Three consecutive absences of a board member from a meeting without a valid reason is deemed a resignation by that member.


Section 4: Powers and Duties. The Board of Directors shall:


a)  Have full charge of the property and business of the organization, with full power and authority to manage and conduct same, subject to instruction of the general membership.


b)  Plan and direct the work necessary to carry out the program as adopted by the national convention, the state convention, and the annual meeting.


c)  Create, dissolve, and assign duties to as many committees as it deems necessary to conduct the affairs of the LWVT. 


Section 5: Meetings. 


a)  The Board of Directors shall hold at least nine regular board meetings annually. The President may call special meetings of the board and shall call a special meeting upon the written request of five board members. The President shall formally call a meeting, by electronic or nonelectronic non-electronic means, by notifying each member of the board, providing the agenda, and the meeting date and start time.


b)  Meetings may be held in person or by electronic means including telephonic conferencing and video conferencing. Telephonic and video conferencing meetings shall be called, noticed, and conducted in the same manner as in-person meetings.


c)  An action of the board taken at a meeting attended by a quorum of the board may not be invalidated because of the failure of a board member to receive a properly sent notice or because of an irregularity in the notice received.


Section 6: Quorum. A majority of members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.


Section 7: Voting. The Board of Directors may obtain a vote of its members at a meeting or by agreement obtained by electronic or nonelectronic non-electronic means if all members have access through one or more of the means by which the vote is obtained.





Section 1: Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the LWVT commences on the first day of May each year.


Section 2: Dues. All members shall pay new and renewal membership dues annually in accordance with guidelines set forth by the LWVUS. The amount of the annual dues shall be determined by the LWVUS. Annual dues for members are payable May 1. Dues paid by new members joining between January 2 and April 30 shall be credited to the next fiscal year. The amount of annual dues shall be determined each year at the Annual Meeting. A Any member who fails to pay dues shall have their membership revoked by the LWVUS and within three months after they become payable shall be dropped from the membership rolls. When two or more members reside at the same address in a common household, they may pay the full amount for the first member and one-half of the determined dues for each other member. Students enrolled either full or part-time in an accredited institution may join the local league as voting members and may opt to pay dues of one-half the individual voting member rate.


Section 3: Budget. A budget for the ensuing year shall be submitted by the Board of Directors to the Annual Meeting for adoption. The budget must include support for the work of the League as a whole.


Section 4: Budget Committee. A Budget Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors at least two months before the Annual Meeting to prepare a budget for the ensuing year. The proposed budget shall be published in the LWVT newsletter one month before the Annual Meeting. The Treasurer shall be, ex-officio, a member of the Budget Committee, but may not serve as chair of the committee.


Section 5: Auditing. The financial records of the LWVT must be audited every year by a committee appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors.





Section 1: Membership Meetings. The LWVT shall hold at least 4 meetings of the membership each year. Time and place shall be determined by the Board of Directors.


Section 2: Annual Meeting. An Annual Meeting of the membership shall be held before April 30, the end of the fiscal year, the exact date to be determined by the Board of Directors. At the Annual Meeting, the membership shall: (a) adopt a local Program and Positions for the ensuing year, (b) elect officers and directors, (c) adopt an adequate budget, and (d) transact such other business as may properly come before it.


Section 3: Quorum. Ten voting members, other than the Board of Directors, shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the LWVT.





Section 1: Nominating Committee. A Nominating Committee shall be elected appointed by the membership at the annual meeting Board of Directors by November of each year and shall consist of three to five members, at least two of whom are shall be board members. The committee shall receive nominations for officers, and directors, and the nominating committee from any voting member. The period of time for submitting suggested nominees to the committee shall be announced in the LWVT January newsletter. The announcement must include the names of the members of the committee and an easy method for contacting the members their contact information. Persons suggesting a nominee must secure the willingness of the suggested nominee to serve.


Section 2: Report of Nominating Committee and Nominations from the Floor. The Nominating Committee report of its slate of officers, and board members, and nominating committee members must be published in the LWVT March newsletter. The report of the committee shall be presented to the Annual Meeting. Immediately following the presentation of this report, nominations may be made from the floor by any voting member if the consent of the nominee has been secured.


Section 3: Election. The election shall be by acclamation if there are no contested positions. If there are multiple candidates for a position, the vote shall be conducted by a show of hands. A majority vote of those members in attendance shall constitute an election.





Absentee or proxy voting is not permitted.





Section 1: Authorization. The governmental principles adopted by the National Convention, and supported by the League as a whole, constitute authorization for the adoption of the Program.


Section 2: Program. The Program of the LWVT shall consist of those local governmental issues chosen for concerted study and action.


Section 3: Proposed Program.


(a)  A call for local program proposals shall be published in the LWVT newsletter at least three months before the Annual Meeting.


(b)  The Board of Directors shall consider the recommendations and formulate a proposed program, which shall be submitted to the members in the LWVT newsletter at least one month before the Annual Meeting.


(c)  A majority vote is required for the adoption of the program proposed by the Board of Directors.


Section 4: Program Amendments. If a need for an emergency adoption arises, a change may be made if:


(a)  Two-thirds of the Board of Directors votes in favor of the program change; and


(b)  Information (majority and minority opinions of the Board of Directors) concerning proposed changes, has been sent to all members at least two weeks before a general membership meeting at which the changes are to be discussed and brought to a vote.





Section 1: National Convention. The Board of Directors, meeting before the date on which the names of delegates must be sent to the national office of the LWVUS, shall select delegates to the National Convention in the number allotted the LWVT, under the provisions of the Bylaws of the LWVUS.


Section 2: State Convention. The Board of Directors, meeting before the date on which the names of delegates must be sent to the state office of the LWVFL, shall select delegates to the State Convention in the number allotted the LWVT, under the provisions of the Bylaws of the LWVFL.


Section 3: State Council. The Board of Directors, meeting before the date on which the names of delegates must be sent to the state office of the LWVFL, shall select delegates to the State Council up to the number allotted the LWVT, under the provisions of the Bylaws of the LWVFL.





The rules contained in the most recent revision of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and not in conflict with these Bylaws.





These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the Annual Meeting if the amendments were submitted to the membership in the LWVT newsletter at least one month before that meeting.


Revised March 26, 1994; March 29, 2998; March 27, 1999; April 28, 2001 (Art. VI, Sec. 2); editorial adjustments in the entire document, for gender consistency April 28, 2002; Revised April 22, 2006 (Articles IV, V, VI, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII); Revised April 16, 2011 (Art. VI, Sec. 5); Amended April 9, 2016 (Article VII, Sec. 2; Article VIII, Sec. 1); Amended April 22, 2017 (Article III, Sec. 2(a); Article VIII, Sec. 1); Revised April 23, 2022; Revised April 27, 2024 (Articles II, III, IV, VI, and VIII).

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