Mission: Empowering voters. Defending democracy.
Vision: We envision a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge and the confidence to participate.
Value: We believe in the power of women to create a more perfect democracy.
The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan civic organization, encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
Our Annual Membership Meeting
In-Person! April 23
We’re excited to announce an in-person annual membership meeting for Saturday, April 23. Members are encouraged to attend to vote on the slate of officers and board members, the budget, the recommended program, and revised by-laws.
The event will be a brunch at the Capital City Country Club from 10:00-12:00 a.m. Local author Donna Meredith will discuss her new award-winning novel “Buried Seeds.”
You will register by clicking this link to the League email. The link takes you to send an email to the League. Please put “RSVP” in the subject line.
Here is a sample of how to respond in the body of the message. Indicate whether the person is a member or guest. There is no charge for members. Guests will pay $10 at the door, either by cash, check, or credit card.
Sample Response
Sally Butzin – member
Peter Butzin – member
Susie Suffragist – guest
Board member Christine Coble will monitor the messages and create the master list of registrations. She will send a reply to confirm your reservation.
Please remember to register by April 16 so we can provide the caterer with the final headcount guarantee. We must pay for no-shows, so if you must cancel, please reply in kind to the email address.
Mission 1313: Be a Voter
The Weekly Voter Newsletter
The League of Women Voters of Tallahassee publishes a weekly newsletter. It is sent to members via email, as well as to interested individuals, local groups and friends of the League.
Read the latest issue and others . . .
Latest State News (LWV of Florida NEWSROOM)
League of Women Voters of Florida and Others Sue To Stop Florida’s Voter Suppression Bill
SB 90’s provisions make it harder for Floridians to cast their ballot, with a disproportionate impact on elderly voters, voters with disabilities, students and communities of color. Read more . . .
Voter Services Activities 2022
The LWV Tallahassee will be busy this year due to elections. The Primary Election is August 23, 2022. Early Voting in Leon County is from August 13 through August 21. The General Election is November 8, 2022. Early Voting in Leon County is from October 24 through November 6. For those in other counties, check with your Supervisor of Elections for their Early Voting dates.
We will be staffing voter registration and education tables at the Tallahassee Downtown Market most Saturdays, as well as the Southside Farmer’s Market, which usually is open two Thursday afternoons per month. Stop by to register to vote or update your current registration and learn about new laws that affect all Florida voters. We strongly encourage voters to go to Early Voting whenever possible. However, we also encourage you to request a Vote-by-Mail ballot from your county’s Supervisor of Elections as a back-up in case something happens, such as an illness, that prevents you from voting in person.
The LWV Tallahassee is available to provide voter registration and education for nonpartisan organizations, such as community groups, sororities/fraternities, other university-affiliated organizations, religious organizations, senior groups, city or county events, etc.
Your health and that of our community is of the utmost importance to us. Thus, the League will take Covid precautions that are appropriate to the setting and local circumstances.