Anne Newman grew up in Indiana. She has been in the Accounting profession since she graduated from college, where she earned a BS in Finance from Indiana University, and subsequently received her CPA license.
Anne’s career has included working for public accounting firms, for a large publicly-traded financial institution, and spending a few years in New Zealand as an Accounting Manager for a shipping port. She is currently the Chief Financial Officer at FBMC Benefits Management, Inc., one of the largest independent insurance brokers and managers in the country.
Service to the Tallahassee League has included a term as Board Member, and Finance Committee Chair just prior to her election as Treasurer. In addition to a demanding career, and her active League involvement, she spends most of her weekends at soccer tournaments with her two children.
Anne is passionate about the mission and goals of the League. As Treasurer she helps the Board to ensure that League resources are best utilized to carry out the mission of Empowering Voters and Defending Democracy.