Empowering voters.
Defending democracy.
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization working to protect and expand voting rights and ensure everyone is represented in our democracy. We empower voters and defend democracy through advocacy, education, and litigation, at the local, state, and national levels.
Elections & Voting Rights Activities
Voting in local, state, and national elections is fundamental to our democracy. Following the proper procedures for registering and voting ensures that everyone’s vote is counted, and all voices are heard.
With over 100 years’ experience in non-partisan grassroots elections and voting rights, communities count on the League’s presence during every election, and we do not disappoint. Since the leaders we elect make the decisions that affect us, our families, our jobs, healthcare, energy costs, education and more, not only do we help the citizenry register to vote, but we also provide key dates, any requirements for voting, and information about candidates (from questionnaires to each candidate) to help make informed choices in the voting booth.
Year-round the LWV Tallahassee (LWVT) updates voter registrations, and registers new voters at venues and events that attract high foot traffic: for example downtown markets, churches, high schools, college campuses, and sporting events. In advance of any field work, our Voter Advocates receive training and certification through the state league. In addition LWVT works collaboratively with the Leon County Supervisor of Elections office to assure accurate information is relayed.
As elections draw near, LWVT increases community outreach and collaborates with other non-profits to hold educational forums and town halls to Get Out the Vote. We provide non-partisan platforms for candidates to speak directly to the public. For example Vote411.org, a nationwide LWV platform that documents candidate responses to questionnaires; and our very successful candidate forums held at WFSU studios and streamed live through WFSU Media. Content is recorded for future viewing through a collaboration with the Tallahassee Democrat and WFSU Media.
We support returning and NEW citizens. Our state League has access to trained attorneys to assist returning citizens in navigating the complexities of various laws. We make contact information available at all events and also support our partner organization Florida Rights Restoration Coalition. We prepare and deliver materials to our Federal Court System to include in New Citizen packets.
2024 is a Presidential Election Year and LWVT will be highly visible empowering voters and defending democracy. Key dates include:
March 19, 2024 - Presidential Preference Primary Election Day
August 20, 2024 - Primary Election Day
November 5, 2024 - General Election
For up to date information about early voting, vote by mail, and election worker information, visit https://www.leonvotes.gov.
The Tallahassee League of Women Voters, Leon County's Office of Resource Stewardship, Leon's County's Supervisor of Elections, and Marpan Recycling are partnering to provide a Campaign Sign Recycling Program to coincide with the 2024 election cycle.
Leon County is providing the drop-off sites; the Elections Office is informing candidates and voters about the project; and Marpan is providing and collecting the containers for depositing the signs, transporting them to their recycling center on Woodville Highway where volunteers will separate the signs from the wire H-frames, and then baling the signs and frames and send them off for recycling.
LWVTallahassee is responsible for pulling together the volunteers needed to separate the wire frames from the corrugated polypropylene #5 plastic signs. Because campaign signs come with wire frames, it is not cost effective for Marpan to assign staff to separate the two, especially when it is mixed up with other waste. Thus, the signs typically end up in the landfill. However, by separately collecting the signs, pulling the wire frames from the plastic signs, and accumulating a sufficient amount of signs and frames, it is cost effective for Marpan to bale and recycle the signs and frames.
Sign recycling bins will be available for one week at each Leon County Branch Library the day after the Primary Election, from August 21st to 28th, and after the General Election, from November 6th to 13th. The recycling bins will be in the parking lot of each facility, allowing for easy unloading of signs from your vehicle into the bin.
• Dr. B.L. Perry Branch Library, 2817 S. Adams St.
• Eastside Branch Library, 1583 Pedrick Rd.
• Jane G. Sauls Fort Braden Branch Library,16387 Blountstown Hwy
• Lake Jackson Branch Library, 3840 N Monroe St.
• Bruce J. Host Northeast Branch Library, 5513 Thomasville Rd.
• Woodville Branch Library, 8000 Old Woodville Rd.
Because current Florida law allows candidates 30 days to remove political advertisements, the recycling bins located at the following additional sites will be available from August 21st to September 19th, after the Primary Election and from November 6th to December 5th after the General Election.
• The Leon County Elections Center, 2990-1 Apalachee Pkwy.
• Leon County Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Site, 1800 N. Blair Stone Rd.
• Marpan Recycling, 6020 Woodville Hwy.
For more information visit the Leon County Supervisor of Elections webpage by clicking here.