Born and raised in Ohio, Trish Neely has been a Tallahassee resident, business leader and community advocate for almost forty years. She retired in 2017, following a successful career with one of the largest independent insurance brokers in the country. As a member of the executive team, she helped introduce Performance Excellence within her organization and as a Florida Governor’s Sterling Examiner and Judge, helped other organizations with their performance improvement goals. She has been a champion of DEI long before the concept became part of the lexicon, founding a company Diversity Team that promoted cultural awareness in the mid-1990s.
Ms. Neely is an alum of Leadership Tallahassee -- a program that cultivates community leadership and service. She served two years as a volunteer investigator for the Florida Bar Grievance Committee, and has served on the Boards of the Tallahassee Urban League, Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra, Junior Achievement Big Bend Board, and the LWV Florida.
Ms. Neely has been a LWV supporter since the 1970s and was recently elected to a third term as the President of the League of Women Voters of Tallahassee (LWVT), the fourth largest local League in the state of Florida. Drawing on past leadership experience she has shepherded the organization through sweeping legislative changes that impact voting procedures, and a national LWV transformation journey that is ongoing. She believes strongly that inclusion, conversations, and collaboration with all communities regardless where they fall on the social or political spectrum is the secret sauce to maintaining the League’s envied position as the most trusted elections and voting rights organization in the United States.
On a personal note, she believes family and friends are gifts to be cherished.